Yenka Mathematics lets you experiment easily with 3D mathematical models, to learn about statistics, probability, geometry and coordinates.
Yenka Mathematics’ probability and statistics tools offer a colourful way to learn about the subject by experimenting and interacting with models.

Create and import data
Yenka generates datasets or classic distributions for you, or you can import your own.
Use the line-up to model your class, seeing the effects of changing characteristics like age, shoe size and height.
Investigate statistical measures
Click a measure (like mean, or a quartile) and it’s highlighted across your graphs.
With charts, tables and statistics interlinked, it’s much easier to understand how they are related.
Easy-to-use graphs
Use stem and leaf diagrams, frequency and cumulative frequency polygons, histograms, bar or pie charts to show how your data is distributed.
Scatter graphs let you check correlations, interpolate or extrapolate, while box plots show the five-number summaries.
Probability games
Flip coins, roll dice or draw numbered balls from a lottery machine. Each has its own probability tree, which – along with the graphs – updates live as you run the experiment.
Study multiple events: roll two dice or flip three coins, and follow the tree diagram to see the probability for each combined outcome.
3D Shapes
The 3D Shapes module offers a powerful modelling tool that allows you to modify 2D and 3D shapes or create lessons from scratch.

Experiment with 3D geometry
Drag ready-made shapes or nets onto the screen, then resize or rotate them by dragging.
Yenka offers a full library of 3D shapes, ready for you to use.
Complete control over your model
Change the 3D view, or the colours and textures of your shapes. Snap measurements onto them to read lengths, areas and combined volumes.
Design 3D nets, and fold them
Snap shapes like squares and triangles together: joined edges become hinges, and you can fold them by dragging corners.
A range of ready-made nets help you get started, or you can unfold 3D shapes into their nets.
Create your own activities
Add questions, instructions or text to your models.
View plans and elevations
Pan, zoom and rotate your model to show a plan or elevations – in either a perspective or an isometric view.
Yenka Mathematics’ modelling tools make it straightforward to investigate 2D and 3D coordinates.

Coordinate Games
Either place a point, given its coordinates, or enter the coordinates of points on the screen.
Create your own games
Choose how the axes are set up – 2D or 3D, one quadrant or 4, units and scales, and so on – and add 3D objects, like those from Google’s Sketchup Warehouse.
Work in full 3D
Add a third axis to learn about coordinates in 3D.
Drag a 3D shape onto the screen, and you can attach points to any of its vertices.